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EZUM is an innovative treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is an age-associated disorder and increasingly common among men between the ages of 50 and 60. In men over 80 years, this condition rises to 90%, so a significant increase in diagnoses is expected due to the ageing of the population.

Treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy

In recent years, progress has been made in the development of new techniques for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Previously, treatments such as open surgery or transurethral resection (TURP) of the prostate were applied, which could have side effects such as urinary incontinence, bleeding requiring transfusion or erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation.

Less invasive techniques such as laser vaporization or enucleation of the prostate provide many benefits compared to classic surgeries (open or TURP), in particular the enucleation with which excellent long-term functional results are obtained, however, these techniques can produce retrograde ejaculation in a high number of cases (between 60-90%).
Aquablation (robotic prostate hydroablation) and REZUM (steam therapy) are distinguished from other alternatives in that they are capable of preserving ejaculation, something that many patients consider important. These are two complementary techniques with each other and therefore with different patient profiles.

What is REZUM?

REZUM consists of injecting water vapour into the prostate, causing tissue necrosis (cell death). The body itself will eliminate the intervened tissue, solving the problems caused by the growth of the prostate in the patient.

Advantages of REZUM

According to experts, one of the most important advantages of this minimally invasive technique is the short surgical time, since it only takes between three to seven minutes to perform, and the low rate of complications. After the intervention, the patient can return home, usually the same day, but will have to carry a urinary catheter for the three to four days that the recovery takes. This is due to the fact that inflammation occurs that can obstruct the flow of urine. The clinical improvement is experienced two weeks after the treatment and the definitive results can be seen 30-90 days after the procedure.

The procedure manages to preserve antegrade ejaculation in up to 97% of cases because it is less radical than other techniques previously used.

Limitations of REZUM

It is a technique that also has its limitations. It can only be applied in patients with prostates that do not exceed 90-100 grams, however, the best results are obtained in medium or small prostates. And those who take anticoagulants could not be treated without prior suspension of treatment.

Is a reintervention necessary?

Only a minority of patients have to undergo retreatment during the four-year follow-up. As it is a less invasive technique, it may also be necessary to repeat the procedure after a while. The prostate can grow again, but with a correct indication of the technique, until at least ten years have passed, it is probably not necessary to intervene again. However, it is much more annoying to be on a pharmacological treatment that must be taken daily and that it may have side effects that the patient is not willing to assume. In these cases, before a much more radical procedure, it is interesting to have more conservative options such as Rezum.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rezum therapy is a minimally invasive treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as an enlarged prostate. It involves the delivery of steam through a small needle-like device to shrink excess prostate tissue and alleviate urinary symptoms.

Rezum therapy has shown significant effectiveness in reducing symptoms associated with BPH, such as urinary frequency, urgency, weak stream, and nighttime urination. Clinical studies demonstrate sustained improvements in symptoms and urinary flow rates over time, with minimal risk of sexual side effects.

Recovery after Rezum therapy is relatively quick, with most patients experiencing symptom relief within a few weeks. There may be temporary side effects such as urinary urgency, frequency, or discomfort during urination, but these typically resolve over time. Patients can generally resume normal activities within a few days after the procedure.

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