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Male Subfertility
ubfertility is a medical term that refers to a form of diminished fertility which implies an extended period of undesirable non-conception.
Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve a spontaneous pregnancy after one year of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptive methods. Approximately 15% of couples consult for this reason. The male factor is the only responsible in 20% of cases, and contributes to the infertility of the couple 50% of the time. When faced with a male factor, a quantitative or qualitative alteration of one or more seminal parameters will always be observed.
Male subfertility or infertility can be caused by a variety of conditions. Some of them can be identified and treated, such as hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism; others are diagnosed, but do not have a specific treatment, such as genetic alterations or testicular atrophy. In 30-40% of patients with spermiogram alterations, physical examination and laboratory tests fail to objectify a specific cause of infertility, classifying these patients as carriers of an idiopathic male infertility. The different sperm retrieval techniques, which extract gametes from different regions of the male reproductive system, have achieved that couples with severe male factor without specific treatment can achieve pregnancies and offspring. Carrying out a complete study of these patients will allow the specialist:
- Treat correctable alterations.
- Identify the conditions without specific treatment, to offer assisted reproduction techniques using the patient’s sperm.
- Identify the conditions where it will be impossible to recover viable male gametes, being able to offer techniques of assisted reproduction with donor sperm or adoption.
- Recognize serious illnesses that may be manifesting as infertility.
- Diagnose genetic alterations that may affect the health or reproductive potential of the offspring.
At Harley Street Hospital, we have the best doctors to treat this condition. Book a consultation to get a specialist´s opinion.