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HIFU treatment applications


igh Intensity Focal Ultrasound (HIFU) is a minimally invasive procedure that consists of the emission of ultrasound waves that cause damage in the targeted tissues.  The main goal is focusing the energy of high-frequency ultrasound beam in a small volume of tissue, heating with a determined temperature, obtaining the destruction and death of the cells that are part of the tumoral tissue.

It is a procedure performed in an operating room under general or regional anaesthesia depending on the type of tumour.

HIFU applications

Nowadays, it is an alternative to surgical removal in the treatment of solid tumours. It should be considered a great alternative in small tumours, but there are not enough scientific studies confirming it.

The greatest experience was registered in the treatment of liver, uterus and prostate cancer. It has also been used in the treatment of pancreatic and kidney cancer. In certain neurological diseases, where there is a zone of the brain tissue responsible for the symptoms, like the tremor characteristic of Parkinson’s disease, it is giving satisfactory and encouraging results. The HIFU burns the dysfunctional brain nuclei that cause disabling tremor.

In aesthetic medicine, it is used for facial rejuvenation (increase in collagen and elastin fibres). This procedure is not exempt from complications, so make sure it is performed in a centre with healthcare professionals.

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