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FaceLift Surgery – Rhytidectomy
s we age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure, and the stress of daily life are felt on our faces. Deep grooves form between the nose and mouth; cheeks droop; fat and wrinkles appear around the neck.
Facelift is a procedure intended to tighten the facial and cervical skin in order to reduce folds or wrinkles. The bone structure of the face, the musculature and the skin texture undergo an involutional process over the years.
The facelift can be performed in isolation or associated with other procedures such as blepharoplasty or rhinoplasty. The forehead lift corrects the drooping of the eyebrows and the wrinkles on the forehead and eyebrows.
Who is the ideal candidate to undergo a facelift?
The ideal candidates to undergo a facelift surgery are those women or men whose face and neck begin to become loose, but whose skin still retains some elasticity. Most patients are between the ages of 40 and 60, but it can also be successfully performed between the ages of 70 and 80. A facelift can make you look younger and increase self-confidence, but it will not give you a completely different look, nor can it restore your health or vitality. Before deciding whether to have a rhinoplasty, think about what you want to achieve and discuss it with your plastic surgeon.
Postoperative period
After surgery, and especially during the first 24 hours, you may feel a swollen face, nose discomfort and headache, which subside with medication. You must lie with your head elevated for the first day (except to go to the bathroom). You will notice that the swelling and bruising around the eyes increase to a maximum within 2 or 3 days. Applying cold compresses will decrease the swelling and you will feel better. In any case, you will feel better than you might seem from your looks. Most bruising and swelling will go away in about 2 weeks (minimal swelling, practically only noticeable by your surgeon, may last for a few months). It is normal for light bleeding from the nose to occur during the first few days. After a week, or at most two, the plaster will be removed, and the skin spots, if any.
Risks of facelift
When the facelift is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, complications are infrequent and of little importance. However, each person has specific anatomy, physical reactions and different healing abilities, and therefore the results are not absolutely predictable. There may be some complication, such as bruising, almost always temporary injury to the nerves that control the facial muscles, infection, and reactions to anaesthesia. Scarring problems are more common in smokers. Risks can be minimized by carefully following your plastic surgeon’s instructions, both before and after surgery.
The results are very satisfying and you will feel happy as long as you understand that the result is not immediate. Even after the swelling and bruising are gone, the hair around the temples may be fine and the skin somewhat dry and rough for a few months. The facelift scars will be hidden behind the hair and in the natural folds of the face; in any case, they will decrease with time, becoming less visible.
A facelift does not stop the clock; your face will continue to age as time goes by, and you may even want to undergo a new facelift after 5 or 10 years. However, the results are long-lasting.